Soapbox Derby

If there has been any board more influential to my surfing (both short and long), it is this board by a mile. Built from a desire to wiggle and a boredom of shoulder noseriding, the Soapbox Derby loves to seat you in the true pocket of the wave and provide a thrill even on the smaller days. The narrow nose and full-roll bottom provide the essential trim, slip, and slide vital to tapping into the energy and flow of the wave. At the same time, The foiled nose and tail, pinched rails, and defined incut nose concave allow you to lock in for true pocket noserides and push hard on rail with confidence. Inspired heavily by Young, McTavish, Keogh, and the Aussie shaping community at large.

recommended length: 9’2 - 9’5

personal dims: 9’5” • 23” • 3”